Student Care Team
The Student Care Team is a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to evaluate behaviors by University students that are perceived to be threatening, harming or disruptive to the student, to others or to both and coordinate an appropriate response.
Recognize distress. UConn faculty and staff are in a position where they have frequent contact with students and may be the first to see that something seems off.
- Sudden decline in work quality and grades
- Frequently missed classes and assignments
- Bizarre, disturbing, or otherwise concerning content in writing or presentations
- Repeated classroom disruptions
- Continuously coming to you for personal rather than academic counseling
- Noticeable changes in physical appearance including hygiene, grooming, sudden weight loss/gain
- Excessive sleepiness or falling asleep in class
- Visibly under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
- Seeming disoriented or confused
- Repeated tearfulness
- Panic symptoms
- Self-disclosure of personal distress (e.g. family conflict, financial problems, depression, grief, thoughts of suicide)
- Verbal abuse
- Expressions of concern by other students
Risk Related
- Unprovoked anger or hostility
- Implying or making a direct threat to self or others
- Academic assignments dominated by themes of death, extreme hopelessness, helplessness, isolation, rage, violence, self-injury
- Communicating threats via email, text, social media or phone calls
Use these important tips when responding to a distressed student:
Safety First. If there is an imminent danger to the student, you, or others, call Campus Police or 911.
Be Proactive. If you notice that something seems off, engage students early on. Waiting could mean that the problem gets worse before you see them again.
Stay Calm. Take a few deep breaths. Use a calm voice when talking and asking questions.
Ask Direct Questions. Inquire directly if the student is having thoughts of harm to themselves, suicide, or thoughts of hurting others.
Active Listening. Give the student your full attention. Restate or summarize what the students says so that they feel understood.
Seek Consultation. You are not alone. See below resources that can help support you.
I am not concerned for the student’s immediate safety,
but they are having significant academic and/or personal issues and could use more support.
Refer to Dean of Students at
For Grad Students, refer to
Student shows signs of distress, but I am unsure of how serious it is. The interaction left me feeling uneasy and/or very concerned about the student.
Consult/refer to
Student Health and Wellness
Student’s behavior is imminently dangerous to self or others, reckless, or disorderly. Student needs immediate assistance.
Call 911 or UConn Police 860-486-4800
Care Team Members
Kymberley Hendricks Chair
Office of Student Care and Concern
Kay Camerato
Office of Student Care and Concern
Rachel Devin
Office of Student Care and Concern
Jonathan Ficara
Office of Student Care and Concern
Marci Schneider
Office of Student Care and Concern
Annie Weese
Office of Student Care and Concern
Paula Wilmot
Dean of Students Office
William Kania
SHaW Mental Health Services
Dr. Anne Thompson Heller
SHaW Mental Health Services
Detective Sergeant Marc Hanna
UConn Police Department
Kymberley Hendricks
Community Standards
Sheila Morgansmith
Residential Life
Bryanna Anderson
Center for Students with Disabilities
Erica Granoff
Stamford Campus
Christine Mosman
Hartford Campus
Peter Tribuzio
Waterbury Campus
Dr. Noemi Maldonado Picardi
Avery Point Campus
Contact Us
For general questions, contact:
Office of Student Care and Concern
Storrs Campus
For regional campus-specific questions, contact:
Stamford Campus
Erica Granoff
Hartford Campus
Christine Mosman
Waterbury Campus
Peter Tribuzio
Avery Point Campus
Dr. Noemi Maldonado-Picardi
Submit a Care Team Referral
Make an online referral using our form:
If this is a true emergency or requires
immediate attention call 911.
What Happens After I Submit a Referral?
Referrals are reviewed within one business day of submission. You may or may not be contacted to provide additional information. Please know that any delay in contacting the source of the referral does not indicate a delay in the referral being acted upon.
Referrals will be reviewed during regular business hours (M-F, 8AM - 5PM) and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays.